About The Coalition
Community Schools Coalitions are a national strategy. We are going to help each other get better. We show up. We show up for one another, for our youth and families, and for our communities.
We will advance a county-by-county strategy. Countywide coalitions will connect communities to one another in each county and across the state.
The federal government has released a 2023 Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) Program Grant. The New York State Community Schools Thruway Coalition has formed as a state-wide coalition to apply for this grant, but more importantly, propel the exploration and implementation of community schools throughout New York State.
Seventeen districts from across the state proposed a project to advance this strategy by implementing a Full Service Community Schools model in over 35 school buildings. While this project was not funded, the momentum from gathering together to consider our common needs across the state is leading to an enduring partnership.
The Coalition will focus on localizing national best practices, using ESSA requirements as a backbone structure, and having broad cross-sector integration with the goal of engaging families and communities, ensuring equitable access to high-quality schools and programs, and making comprehensive and coordinated support services widely available.
Our goal is to have more than 100 school districts join as members of the NYS Community Schools Thruway Coalition by 2025.
To read our grant application and view grant content, check out our Resources Tab. Our goals and objectives remain rallying points for our collaborative work.